Bulk eating During the Day & at Work

One type of advise that is rarely given is how should you be eating throughout the day, there are thousands of articles on what to eat, but how about how to eat all these foods. A lot of us "home gymers" have a lot of commitments to fulfill and it becomes very difficult to maintain the caloric intake that we require.

One of the first things that you should do is make time for eating, meaning if you have a late night, that's no excuse for a longer lay in, wake up early enough to be able to fit in your first meal, which will be breakfast so that you have more of an eating window throughout your day and in addition one less "meal" burden for your day. This means going to bed before midnight, even less.

This is important because not many of us are fans of eating food at night time, further cooking at night time is not the greatest of activities, so the goal is to eat your caloric intake by a certain time in the evening, where the latest meal at night that you make, would be a simple whey shake and snacks. Now to get technical, there are many reasons why you shouldn't eat at night, perhaps an hour before you sleep, such as the food upsetting your stomach/intestines, but contrary to this, is that as your sleeping the food takes longer to digest meaning you stay anabolic for longer whilst asleep, but then suffer from wanting to go to the potty at awkward times. So early morning eating is vital.

Now if its your day off i'm sure getting your food will be easier, but for those who are at work it now becomes a battle, if finances for you are at comfortable levels then having lunch is vital and if working into the late hours, push yourself to eat in your break get this meal in, if bulking, a takeaway will suit, it may not be the healthiest, but one unhealthy meal for
that day will benefit your bulk overall, if, however you are capable of locating a healthy option, then this is a success, and understand that this will cost you.

However, for those who do not wish to be spending money on food outside then it is important for you to prepare meals the night before for your work day. Having Cold hard boiled eggs in the morning ain't that bad when you know your working towards today's caloric goal and this simple meal has helped. But this isn't always the case, the best method would be to cook one of you home meals in bulk, and save some for work. You can experiment in what is comfortable for you, in obtaining food from home for work.

Now your probably asking, this was so easy i didn't need this to know what to do, but what happens next is a lack of motivation to prepare food, and to go out of your way while at work to eat. When you run into this problem you may find yourself saying "oh i'll have lunch at work, then when i finish work i'll eat at home" this is fine as long as in that day you reach your goal but for some doing this may lead to not eating at home after work and the longer you miss out on meals then the quicker your body adapts to not needing to eat a lot.

One tip would be to buy a bag or two of peanuts, a bag of peanuts can usually be around 200 grams, in 200 grams you will receive over 1000 calories and a good amount of protein ranging form 35-45 grams. On top of that peanuts are good fatty acids food source, so you will be adding good healthy fats and amino acids to your diet.

So a new staple food to add to your diets is, peanuts, and these are easily accessible, you can bring them into work discreetly if need be and throughout your work day you munch on peanuts knowing your keeping your body fed and most importantly maintaining an anabolic state whilst at work.

Undoubtedly, there are those who are unable to cope with peanuts due to endurance and more, here is an alternative for snacking. SNACKS

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love food. Even after getting so many instructions from gym instructor, i could not stop myslef from eating. So the one idea i got is to take epistane supplement, which can digest and increase my stamina.
